The proposed scheme is a response to the unique qualities of both Unitec the institution and the culturally shared landscape context.
Two defining elements have been identified and harnessed in order to meet educational, business and residential demands and provide amenity, interest and permeability.
Te Ao Māori provides an overarching and enriching dimension at Unitec.
Te Noho Kotahitanga, the partnership document, acknowledges manu whenua and expresses Unitec’s commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi; the Poutama embeds mātauranga Māori in the living curriculum; Te Aranga Design Principles guide Unitec’s design strategy and help to ensure the development of high quality and durable relationships with iwi and hapū; the sacred spring Te Wai Unuroa o Wairaka is a galvanising and magnetic entity. Pukenga, Te Wharekai Manaaki and Te Noho Kotahitanga Marae are physical manifestations of this commitment and the importance of New Zealand’s unique cultural dimension to Unitec. Collectively these entities form the campuses cultural heart.
The Mt Albert site is renowned for its landscape. Vegetation and water are defining qualities. The arboretum includes 200 different exotic and native species of plants and trees; the Mahi Whenua ‘Hortecology’ Sanctuary houses the community garden and food forest; a large wetland dominates the central campus; riparian planting accompanies Wairaka Stream on its travels from spring to the sea. This verdant and watery character is amplified by spectacular views of the Waitakere Ranges, the upper harbour and the close proximity to Oakley Creek Te Auaunga (whirlpool or swirling waters) on the western edge.
With the impending consolidation and intensification, retaining and strengthening the power of this landscape becomes all the more important.